Server Manager

Eventually the link you just clicked on that brought you to this webpage will bring you to the front page of the Server Manager website I am working on for my Minecraft Servers.

Explaination of the Server Manager

I started work on the server manager because I have been hosting Minecraft Servers for my friends for a while now. The issue is that they would have to ask me to set up a server. This meant that I would have to be home (I could do it remotely but it was a pain and took 3x as long) and the requester would have no control over the server. This worked well enough for people who aren't very technical as they wouldn't know what to do with the access they had anyway

However, I have a few friends that are a bit more technical and are capable of managing Minecraft Servers on their own. Though they usually used paid online services and I wanted them touse mine for free. But it can be hard to use my service since they had little control over the server files and configuration and instead would just have to settle with being an admin on the Minecraft Server.

The server manager aims to fix these problems by allowing them to setup their own Minecraft Server very easily and allow them to manage it and make any configuration needed.

Current Progress

I currently have a basic interface for the Vanilla Server working and a way to configure the basic server properties

My next step is to get Discord authentication working and allow users to provide a link to a modpack and have it automagically download and start up.